
About Me

It seems everyone has a blog these days.  Not that I'm giving in to the "norm" (which I never do); or trying to join the "in" crowd (which I never have); or even try to keep up with the Joneses (who?).  I just want to have a place that is mine.  I don't know if any of my friends will follow this, or if anyone else will for that matter.  My posts will probably be irregular, and vary in content from dull to hilarious, philosophical to guess-what-my-kids-just-did!, but they WILL be mine.  My thoughts, my opinions, my hopes, my dreams, my fears.  I am a Daughter.  I am a Wife.  I am a Mother.  But in each of those and more, I am a WOMAN.

I am daughter to divorced parents.  I am sister to one sister, and two step-brothers, and one step-sister.  I am wife to a wonderful man (God chose him for me, because I certainly could not have done so well on my own.)  I am mother to two handsome, sweet boys that often drive me insane, and to one beautiful step-daughter that came late to us.

And I am a Woman.  I've been right, and I've been wrong.  I've laughed and cried.  I've shed blood, sweat, and tears.  And while I might like to have a "redo" button on parts of my life, even my mistakes made me who I am.  I try my best, and sometimes I get it wrong.  Okay, more than sometimes.  I try to learn from my errors which is the best that I can do with them.  But Sometimes.....sometimes, I get it RIGHT.

Love me or Hate me, Like me or Not, I am me.  And in the end, that's all I can be.